
Investigative enquiry and close collaborations motivate Sarah Waring to put pen to paper.

She is the author of Farming for the Landless (Traverzbooks, 2019 / Platin Press, 2015), which is available in Italian as Agricoltura per senza terra (Pentàgora Edizioni, 2018), and Stray Pieces (Traverzbooks, 2020).

Editorials are a steady part of her day job, published by Public Seminar and Eurozine. Her creative non-fiction and other flash writing have appeared in Dialoghi Mediterranei, Broad Street Magazine, the leading Slovenian broadsheet Delo and Materialverlag, Hamburg.

In 2019, she established traverzine, a collaborative publication project that explores travel issues from environmentally aware perspectives.


As a Eurozine staff editor, Sarah Waring works with contributors from over 90 leading European cultural journals.

Her freelance clients include:

  • Virmenska 35 (Ukraine! Unmuted)
  • Cultural Broadcasting Archive Association for the Promotion of Digital Communication (Building a European Digital Public Space)
  • EMES International Research Network (Social enterprises and their eco-systems: A European mapping report, European Commission)
  • ForAlps Transnational Network
  • Eurac Research (Alpine Refugees: Immigration at the core of Europe, Cambridge Scholars Publishing)
  • Eurac Research (studies on diversity)
  • artists from fine art and film disciplines
  • social scientists


  • Native English speaker, British citizen, born in Worcester
  • Resident, Vienna, Austria
  • Second languages, German and Italian
  • Author, Farming for the Landless (EN), Agricoltura per senza terra (IT) and Stray Pieces (EN)
  • Editor and copywriter, Financial Times, Haymarket Publishing, Platin Press and Eurozine
  • University lecturer, University of Westminster, University of Hertfordshire and University of the Arts London
  • English teacher, Austria, Italy and Turkey (adult learning at all levels of Common European Framework)
  • Book art and exhibitions, UK, Germany and Italy
  • P. G. Cert, Teaching in Higher Education
  • MA, Royal College of Art, London


  • portfolio
    environmental cultural journal, Green European Journal, 2024
  • portfolio
    cultural essays, Virmenska 35, 2023
  • portfolio
    academic book, Cultural Broadcasting Archive Association for the Promotion of Digital Communication, 2022
  • portfolio
    EC mapping reports, EMES, 2019-20
  • portfolio
    Mount Kenya booklet, University of Innsbruck and Austria Alpine Club, 2018
  • portfolio
    academic book, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019
  • portfolio
    website text, ForAlps, Eurac, 2018
  • portfolio
    website text, PutYourLightsOn, 2019
  • portfolio
    ad campaign subtitles, 'The Prince', Un Ponte Per, 2017
  • portfolio
    catalogue, Stazione di Topolò Postaja Topolove, 2017
  • portfolio
    scientific paper, Mindfulness, 2017
  • portfolio
    film synopses, International Terraced Landscape Association, 2016


All writers require help every now and then to develop and finalise material before publication. Why not take advantage of over twenty years' experience in publishing, academia and the arts? An objective and assured yet sensitive and resourceful opinion is within reach. Whether you have a personal statement, script, website, catalogue, journal article or book to complete, your specific needs and those of your audience will remain central to suggested spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary adjustments.


Each editing job receives a bespoke quote.

Prices are based on:

  • number of pages (1,500 characters with spaces per standard page),
  • level of English competency,
  • turnaround time.

A reliable, high-quality, personal approach is assured.


Email: [email protected]